
Saturday, March 14, 2015

Constructing Expectations

I’ve been watching this small condo go up these last few weeks.
Johnny Cash’s deep rich voice floated with the breeze the day this picture was taken. This condo is down the alley where the semi’s back their deliveries in.

Building a condo can’t be an easy task ~
starts with a vision, plans, blueprints, then sorting through all the steps to find a builder, hiring the workers, real estate agents.
Even if all of that comes in one construction company, all the human bits and parts, equipment and materials must still be in one place and on a time line ~ with of course, cooperation from the rain clouds.

The expectations are basic ~
For the builder - sales are expected.
For the buyers - a home is expected.

Personal expectations are not constructed as intentionally as a condo.
Childhood lessons from our early relationships begin to establish them, growing as we grow into our lives.
We bring them along with us into our homes when we move in.
Each experience along the way shapes our expectations - either shrinking or expanding them.
It always involves the matter of the response (or dance) we choose.

“Life calls the tune, we dance.”
~ John Galsworthy

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