
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

A Day of Airports and Flying

There are many changes in this world. One of them that I encountered today was at an airport. I have been to Seattle Airport many times, but the last was five years ago. The first change was going through security. Using my passport at a little ATM shaped kiosk, I scanned the necessary page through. The kiosk took my picture and I moved forward to the real human security officer. Pleasant and smiling, he whisked me through. Another change - I took a wrong turn, got on a shuttle train that wasn't necessary and had to go up and down several escalators. I guess that's not really a change for me to take a wrong turn. After asking several helpful pleasant people where I needed to go, I finally moved on to a ticketing counter. Finding the right ticketing counter, I was issued a new boarding pass with the correct Gate on it by smiling and cheerful American Airlines agent. Then off through security again, because of my misdirection, to join a circuitous lineup that snaked around corners and down long corridors - again nothing new in a large, busy international airport. Once through I went on another long walk to find my gate. Plunking myself down, I sat and almost snoozed while I cooled off from my long walk.

My next change is this Ipad which I have had for a few days now, but this long layover in Seatac Airport has offered an opportunity to learn the Pages program on my new device. I don't have the same folders as I do on my lap top, but I am creating folders in the Cloud! Not sure I've done it right but any blog posts will at least be saved on the Blog site.

Right now, as I type this I am on the last hour of a six hour flight to my destination. I am thirsty, tired and cramped. The time change from east to west is three hours. The hum of the engines is weighing heavily. And yet the most amazing changes in this day of flying was just above the clouds, looking down over rivers or lakes and seeing the reflections of clouds in still water.

Landing in Charlotte, North Carolina, after the almost six hour flight from Seattle, was a relief. A short taxi ride to the hotel and now here I am in bed in the hotel.  It's 11:32 pm here. Good night.

"When you think about flying, it's really nuts really. There you 
are at about 40,000 feet screaming along at 700 miles an hour and 
you're sitting there drinking Diet Pepsi and eating peanuts. It's just nuts!"
  ~ David Letterman


christine said...

I am lying in bed in a hotel room in Niagra Falls Had the same type of day....can relate

Susan Ward said...

It was a long day!