
Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Donald Trump: My Opinion

I’ve just read a letter from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania regarding their concerns about Donald Trump’s statements throughout this electioneering. Prideful statements about his attendance and intolerant statements toward many marginalized groups.

I have limited my own discussions and tempered my opinions about The Donald because I did not want to give him any more attention. Not that my one small voice, in this corner of another country he may not even be aware of, would make a difference in the grand scheme of things. As I’ve listened to the rhetoric, keeping relatively silent, I have been curious about this stance of mine, not providing any more energy to this individual and his antics.

The letter I read was published in the GOPOCALYPSE, an online ‘newspaper’. “Standing by and not taking him seriously is what gave him the Republican presidential nomination.” 

For the record: This man, Donald Trump, frightens me. His rhetoric, his blustering, and his appearance that he is stupid. I do not think for one minute that he is stupid. I am afraid that his performance is flash that covers his real opinions and intentions. It is so unbelievable that anyone running for the highest office in the United States could be so full of himself in such an arrogant, crass and frightening manner. Being accepted by any political party!

So there is my opinion about Donald Trump. He is a very, frightening man. I am afraid of the powerful relationships that he has formed given he is running for an even more powerful position!

“Don’t judge a man by his opinions, 
but what his opinions have made of him.”
~ Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

Read the full article at:

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