
Monday, August 22, 2016

Change is Here - Temporarily

And today it is cold - 
Well not really cold
Windy and cooler, so…...
Such a dramatic temperature drop also has my respect.
back to Victoria weather
layered clothing, wearing long jeans, sandals (without socks)
walking on the Breakwater at Ogden Point
with Janet and Robin
wind churned the ocean
threatened to tear the coffee cup from my hand
choppy, gray waves splatted and splashed against the rocks below
gray skies with shards of blue covered us.
farther up Dallas Road
gulls swooped and dived with the currents
wind surfers and sailers bested the winds
their colorful sails filled with the cold blasts
leaping high out of the water, they splashed down
only to rise up and surf with the roiling waves.
Then home to pork chop stew and warmth
Yesterday’s heat only a memory.

“Nothing is so painful to the human mind as a great and sudden change.”
~ Mary Shelley, Frankenstein

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