
Friday, July 21, 2017

A Historic Birthday Greeting

Today would have been his birthday
His 106th birthday ~
which may not have impressed him.
Would he have been impressed with this blog?
It is part of the message that is the medium - or is it?
No - it’s only a tiny part of the medium that is the message.
The blogosphere as a word did not exist
not even in 1980 at Marshall’s passing!
This World Wide Webbing universe 
weaves and flows all around and through
our lives and our work and our growing
never ending and always sprouting up and out
So Marshall would expand his philosophy about this 
age of electronics that he postulated so long ago
from giant computers to desktops and laptops 
to tablets and ipads and iphones, 
androids and smartphones carrying
incredible communities of electronics growing connections
so vast and abundant that my little blog is a pinpoint
like one star in the sky - not that I think I’ve designed a star
just that each Facebook page, each Google page, the Instagrams 
and Twittering tweets and My Space, and your space and 
any space that can be designed twinkle and sparkle 
from glowing rectangles tiny and held in your hands 
to walls covered in screens
to inflatable screens in parks and backyards ~
Would Marshall have been impressed?

“We shape our tools and afterwards our tools shape us.”
~ Marshall McLuhan

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