
Wednesday, May 30, 2018

A Paper Life

I have my paper trail all laid out. On the bed, on the card table, on the top of my desk and one or two things on the floor. Some of the files are in order. The telephone bills and the utility bills. I have found one or two more things that may be helpful, however I am coming close to making some long distance calls! What I have learned is that when you start looking for that proverbial needle in a haystack, you have much more hay than you bargained for! And in so many little cubbyholes! I have at least two places left to go through. Oh, I’m keeping everything spread out! I want to cull the duplicates - there’s a lot of them - and create a better order of my paper life.

A paper life. In the paperless world that has been talked about for so long, and has yet to come, we still need a paper trail. Like cookie crumbs we drop through the years to lead us back to a starting place when we need to find our way again. It has actually been quite fascinating to piece together, bit by bit, where I have been, how far I have travelled in life, and where I have arrived today. Certainly there are gaps, or I wouldn’t still be on the hunt, but my memory fills in many of the gaps with faces and names, struggles and joys. Have I found any regrets? A few, but without them I would not have gained important self knowledge. For that I am grateful! 

“Tossing away a piece of paper is clearly taboo.”
~ Anne Frank, The Diary of a Young Girl

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