
Sunday, October 14, 2018

Barring Meaning

I’m curious. 
Curious about retirement.
So I looked up it’s etymology

‘1530 - of armies’ -
Nurses stepping out of
the line of fiery health care.

‘1530 - to withdraw especially
for the sake of privacy’
when a public face has slowly crumpled.

‘1540s - to withdraw, 
lead back troops’ -  when 
mixing generations is too noisy.

‘1640s - sense of “leave an occupation”’ -
with the challenge
to learn a new way of living.

‘1660s - to leave company and go to bed’ -
with no alarm clock or calendar,
no schedule to march to.

‘1680s - to remove from service’ -
An unpleasant image of being plucked away
with all sense of choice removed!

‘1874 - baseball sense of “to put out”’ -
that suggests it’s all been a game
and now it’s time to set up a new game!

My curiosity has been satisfied - sort of.
What games will I play - 
and who will I be playing with?!

“Often when you think you’re at the end of something, 
you’re at the beginning of something else.”
~ Fred Rogers

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