
Tuesday, September 10, 2019

A Storied Visit

The  progress we’ve made in this life is so fascinating. We have brought our hearts with us and our stories. The stories of how our parents lived and raised us. The stories of crinolines and houses. Crinolines that fluffed out poodle skirts and the saddle shoes we wore. Cold, cold houses without insulation we take for granted today. Stories that come flooding about getting dressed under the covers, dancing the twist and teenage enchantment of the music of the day. Verandahs that held magic, fun and plants on the window sills. Hardwood floors to slide on when the waxing was done. Stories of all of that fun that we had as kids. The hard, hard work our parents did to keep us fed, clothed and educated. The memories are beautiful and too often tinged with great sadnesses. We build our storied memories without knowing what will have been special pieces of our lives. Some will be stories shared with siblings. Shared stories like multicoloured glass panels in an amazing mobile. Beautiful panes of glass etched with shades of each experience. Special moments of age and of time. As children we treasured moments without knowing it ~ we each hold these fragile pieces of our shared memories.

“Grown ups are complicated creatures, full of quirks and secrets.”
~ Roald Dahl


Unknown said...

Ah yes, grown ups are folks of memories. Again, the picture fits your title perfectly. Do you have siblings in Regina; cousins at Milestone? Guessing the “visit” here is one of those.

Susan Ward said...

Most of my siblings are in Alberta, one brother in Florida and one brother still in our family home in Milestone. Sousing scattered throughout Canada and the U.S. This visit is especially to meet my great granddaughter, however I'm staying with a friend I've known for over 49 years. Our visits always range through all of those times. I'm also going to the RGH alumnae luncheon this Sunday.