
Wednesday, September 11, 2019

As Though I'm Biased

Rylie Rose’Marie 

A tiny new face so full of expression
Wide open smiles, soft shy smiles or faintly furrowed brow
Open mouth looking as though stories and words will be pouring out

A tiny new body so full of energy
Soft pillowed feet kicking and pushing as though practicing to run and play
Wee hands reaching into the air as though expressions of all those stories and words that have yet to form.

Sleeping soundly, with fluttering almost asleep eyes or wide awake
This precious child ~ grown so quickly in her brief six weeks and five days ~ will grow in stature and personality ~ a joy to hold in my heart.

[Great]-“Grandmothers hold their grandchildren 
in a special place in their heart.”
~ Catherine Pulsifer

[Great] - added by this Great Grandmother Susan


Unknown said...

Such a sweetheart, your li’l Riley Rose’Marie. Hope you’re getting frequent cuddle opportunities these days. Your clearly biased commentary blog will, I hope, be kept safe along with other memories for this precious wee great-grand. Amazing how quickly the smiles, and how we adults marvel at them!!

Susan Ward said...

She is beautiful and so expressive. Yes I am getting lots of cuddle opportunities and meeting other grandparents. There are at lease eight of us! Fortunately for Rylie we're not all in the same room at the same time! And I'm babysitting tonight while mom and dad have a short evening out.

Unknown said...

Literally so envious. But so glad for your opportunity.