
Monday, January 25, 2021

Flight and Flutter

As I journaled this morning, 

I was challenged by

the many thoughts in my head

that flit and fly so fast 

I barely know I think them!

Like post-it notes, 

fluttering from 

fridge doors or walls

mirrors, cupboards or computer monitors

colourful reminders of things 

that, over time, leave me wondering 

“Now what was that note for?” or 

“I already took care of that ~

why is that note still there?”

and so it goes

from morning til night

in the spaces of quiet that fill my days

I see them in the front of my mind ~

some of them waiting for a message

others I can’t read.

I don’t put real ones up very often ~ too much clutter!

So does that mean my mind is cluttered?

Probably, sometimes a definite ‘yes’.

But they are all just thoughts.

Hmmm….I used sticky notes at work effectively…….

“Paper is brain interface.”

~ *David Gibbet

*Author of Visual Meetings: How Graphics Sticky Notes and Idea Mapping Can transform group Productivity

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