
Saturday, May 22, 2021

On an Evening Walk - Survival by the Sidewalk

I’m not certain if this is Gertrude or George. One of them has been sitting on this very scrawny nest by a scrawnier bush, for about three weeks between sidewalk and parking lot. It is said that geese sit on their eggs for 25 to 28 days. I’ve passed it by for at least three weeks. It is also said that the gander stands guard for his mate and can be as far as 100 metres away. He will approach if the goose leaves the nest or if she is threatened. 

Over the past three weeks, I have been concerned about Gertrude’s (or George’s) well being, but walking this evening I realized that she (or he) was quite safe as it is a well lit area, with many vehicles passing by, coming to or going from the businesses in the small mall. 

Tonight was the first time that my presence was noted. As I approached, I was the recipient of ‘a look’. Her (or his) head swivelled on an elegant, graceful neck, following me as I passed by. Respectfully, I turned away, her (or his) head was tucked back under a wing and Gertrude (or George) settled once more.

I’ll be checking on them and will post any new findings.

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but rather the one most adaptable to change.”

~ Clarence Darrow


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