
Sunday, May 16, 2021

On a Morning Walk - Safe Passage

Safe Passage

The story goes like this: One day, very early in the morning, a set of feathered parents were taking their fluffy yellow little ones on a stroll across a busy street. It had to be a stroll because the little ones had little short legs and couldn’t keep up with their long legged parents. Two vehicles had stopped allowing the little family safe passage. Halfway across, the parents stopped to see that all seven goslings were coming along. Two of the seven still stood on the curb nervous about the dangers they were about to face. Another vehicle, all shiny and white did not stop, but honked louder than both their parents together. Goose and Gander looked rather offended, as only geese can do, then turned and firmly herded their little family back the way they came. All of us on the sidewalk and in the vehicles breathed a sigh of relief. The goslings trundled across the street, joining their sibling on the curb and down to the water’s edge. Leaving all humans behind, the little family, Goose, Gander and goslings alike, walked into the lake and swam away into the morning sun.

“Life is like a story, when all the resolution is resolved, 

you heave a sigh of relief.”

~ Michael Bassey Johnson


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