
Thursday, July 8, 2021

On an Afternoon Walk

Kids these days! Just moseying in a crowd across the road. As if they owned it! At least six blocks and four lanes of traffic was stopped while a lone woman was trying to hurry them across to my side of the street. Once they all straggled up on the sidewalk she went back across the street to prevent another smaller gaggle from following their buds. When I reached them, they were about to turn and go back, so I herded and got hissed at - their chaperone wasn’t thrilled with me. When they were grazing hungrily and moving away from the road I continued my walk. 

Later in the evening, from my kitchen window, I could see traffic slowing and stopping again. I suspect this is a usual feature of Canada geese in Regina- or any other part of the world where geese travel. The patience of yesterday's motorists is to be commended. 

“Every walker is a guard on patrol to protect the ineffable.”

~ Rebecca Solnit, Wanderlust: A History of Walking


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