
Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Chapter Two, Episode Seventy-Seven -On the Ferry - Situationally Theirs

On the Ferry

Her face was wet. 

“We’re at the ferry, Sonja.” She sat up straight. Pulling a tissue from her purse, she hurriedly wiped her face. Hoping that Thom hadn’t noticed, she looked out her window at ferries leaving from the dock. Pushing her hair back, trying to wake herself up, she said “Look at all the gulls!” Gulls were in fact wheeling and diving to the water in the wake of the leaving ferries.

“What’s wrong? I saw you try and hide your tears. You know that I don’t like to see you cry.”

“It’s nothing, Thom. I just had a really bad dream. Surprising because I couldn’t have been asleep that long. I’m hungry - are you sure there’s a dining room on the ferry?” Her long time partner could always be distracted if the topic of food came up. She really didn’t want to think about the dream. There was nothing she could do anyway.

“And didn’t you say there’s a gift shop? I want some mints….and if they have clothes……” Thom pulled up behind one line of cars awaiting their various ferries. “Let’s get out and stretch our legs. We’ve got about an hour to wait. Always best to get to the ferry early. That’s what dad always said. Seems it’s more important now. So many cars, trucks…semis!” Breathing in the fresh ocean air, Thom looked across the ten rapidly filling lanes of cars. “Is that a restaurant over there, Thom? We could get something to snack on, a cup of coffee while we’re waiting.”

“So, are you going to tell me what your dream was all about?” He took her hand and led her carefully across the ferry traffic. “Don’t forget where we are, Thom!”

“I won’t. Your dream? You don’t have bad dreams ~ at least I don’t remember you ever having any.” Which was true. Once Thomas Digby was asleep, there was no waking him. He didn’t see her the nights when she got up and stared out the window at the moon, or the stars, or the clouds. By morning, after a few short hours of sleep and washing her face free of her dream, he never knew the difference. She was worried about where they’d be staying on their visit. “Do you think we’ll be getting a hotel room in the city, Thom?”

He held open the door. The aromas of baking, hotdogs, fresh coffee pulled them into the warmth of a midway-like throng of passengers. They could barely hear each other to Sonja’s relief. She wouldn’t have to talk about dreams of her grandparents lost in the fighting in Europe. At kiosk’s along the crowded centre isle were blue and yellow flags for sale. “Let’s get down to that coffee shop. Looks like they’ve got some good biscotti.”


James Digby looked at his watch again. If he had seen Martha doing that, he would have teased her about being impatient. “James, it’s time to go.” He jumped when his wife was suddenly at his side. “You’ve been checking your watch every five minutes for the last two hours.” She laughed and left the room shaking her head. “You’d think he’d be dressed and pacing at the front door by now.” The couple had decided to meet Thom and Sonja at the ferry. James didn’t think he could wait for them to find their way to the Beaufort Estate. He didn’t know if his brother would remember how to get to his old home place especially with all the changes to the highways. He didn’t know if they would have eaten on the ferry, but he had Elizabeth make a light supper for them at the manor house. Her light suppers were huge bowls of soup, thick sandwiches on homemade bread, and apple or lemon meringue pie for dessert. Plus a tray of raw vegetables, homemade dill sour cream dip, pickles and olives. “It’s not much, James. Hope it will be enough. Samuel and I will be in after you get a chance to have a bite to eat. He’s looking forward to seeing your brother again.” She buttoned her coat and picked up her purse. “This must be quite exciting for you James. I can only imagine what it would have been like to see Lily one more time. I’m so very glad for you.” Her face kindly still, she turned and left to meet with Samuel. She had a supper prepared for the two of them, it just would need warming up. 


Thom hadn’t expected that James would be at the ferry to meet them, but was really watching for any sign of him. Instead of following the line of cars onto the main highway, he turned into the nearest parking lot. “This is silly, Sonja. I’m a grown man and I’m looking for my brother like we were ten years old.” He was about to turn the car back to the highway when Sonja put her hand on his arm. “Thom. Look. Over there. That man and woman - they’re waving in this direction.”  Thom parked his car and got out. Dusk was approaching so he couldn’t see the man well, but he would always recognize the way he waved. Both hands up in the air. When they were boys, he would also be running towards them. The maturity of years had slowed him to a quick walk. The two men met midway across the parking lot. Very unlike James, he grabbed his brother in a big hug. Pushing away, they held each other by the shoulders and stared at each other. 

“Oh, my manners, Thom. This is my wife, Martha. We worked together at the Estate for many years…….but I can tell you everything over supper.” He laughed “Your manners haven’t improved. Introduce me to your wife, Thom.”

“I’m sorry. I just can’t believe we’re together after all these years. You’re right. Bad manners…..Sonja ~ this is my older brother, James and James ~ this is my partner of many years, Sonja Marchenko. 

“Other things may change us, but we start and end with family.”

~ Anthony Brandt


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