
Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Two Sides

Two Sides

“Passion!? Whatever do you mean, Hazel?” Harold rattled and shook his newspaper out, settling back to read. His wife was getting his tea. He always wanted the water boiled properly, his tea steeped precisely for 2 minutes, loose leaf tea ~ absolutely no tea bags and just hot enough so the flavour of the tea was enhanced. She knew right away that she’d made a mistake suggesting he was passionate about his tea. Her mother said he was just a brute, always insisting that Hazel get it right. “Let him make it himself!”

Hazel knew they were both right. He was a brute and she had plans to change that situation. In the early days of their courtship, his ‘passion’ about tea, was interesting. He had taught her about how tea was correctly grown, cured and transported. She had been fascinated with his knowledge, and went with him to conventions and tea tasting events. Over time, she became bored and he became just stodgy about it all. “Here you are, dear. I’ll be going now.” Hazel put her coat on, picked up her suitcase, waited in vain for a ‘thank you’, and went to stay with her mother.

“There is nothing that exists that has only one side. 

Even a piece of paper, thin as it is, has two sides.”

~ Terry Goodkind

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