
Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Chapter Two, Episode 104 - A Good Life - Situationally Theirs

A Good Life

“Lying down in the grass tickles!” Lisbet and Lily rolled down a little hill. Elizabeth muttered in her early morning sleep. “It doesn’t even smell like grass Lily. Don’t be silly.” Squinting against the morning light, the aroma of coffee perking and bacon frying woke her completely. She reached to the pillow beside her. Only the dent of Samuel’s head betrayed him. 

“Here’s your coffee, Elizabeth” Samuel’s voice had more gravel in it. She supposed he hadn’t had much to soften it yet. “Do you want it here or at the table?” Tall and grizzled, he stood just inside Elizabeth’s bedroom door holding a steaming mug of coffee. Elizabeth pushed her graying hair out of her eyes and sat up. “Mornin’ Sam. You sleep ok?” She leaned on her hands at the edge of the mattress. “I’ll get up and come to the kitchen? Just let me get out of my nightclothes, wash my face and I’ll be right out.” 


Any fly on the wall, listening to this morning conversation, could have heard an old married couple with an edge of young love. And it was neither and both. They felt as though they had known each other outside of this life. Something long past the romantic love of the movies. They had no plans from marriage. Martha would be disappointed. "That's for the young folks." Elizabeth didn't disagree. She was content and happy with her life. Martha was her best friend, but she didn't want her to butt in. She knew she was a good soul and a very kind hearted person, "Just wants to fix everything. Explain it all away." There was nothing for Martha to fix or to explain away. But if she knew about her deep relationship with Samuel, she'd get all excited and want a celebration. 

She shook her head, turning the water to hot. After washing her face, she joined Samuel in the kitchen. Places were set with mismatched plates and cutlery. At the stove, he was dishing up the scrambled eggs and bacon. The toaster popped up. Picking up her coffee for a sip, she said "I'll get it Samuel. Looks like you have your hands full."

Breakfast was quiet. When it was over, Elizabeth picked up their dishes while Samuel filled the sink with soap and hot water. He washed the dishes while she dried them and put them away. "Guess it's time to get to work Sam. I left early last night and that big kitchen in a bit of a mess. Not like me." Their eyes met, his sharp blue and hers soft grey. "And I've got tomatoes to pick from that last plant standing. A couple of zucchinis are ready. That'll take care of the garden.

"There's enough zucchini in the freezer, but I think it's high time for baking a chocolate zucchini cake. Bring whatever you get to the kitchen, Samuel." He drained, wiped out the sink and dried his hands. Elizabeth folded the tea towel and neatly placed it by the sink. Embracing, they gave each other a peck on the cheek. Jacket on, umbrella over her arm, Elizabeth went out the front door Putting his jacket on, Samuel left from the back door. Golden sun, still low in the watery blue sky, promised a lovely fall day. Gulls wheeled overhead. A foghorn called from the strait.


"Love is not written on paper, for paper can be erased. 

Nor is it etched on stone, for stone can be broken. But it is 

inscribed on a heart and there it shall remain forever."

~ Rumi

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