
Sunday, December 11, 2022

Snow Bob and Connie Cloud Visit

Snow Bob and Connie Cloud Visit

Snow Bob loved the quiet dark night. He did miss the children that played with him everyday. They always made sure he had a new scarf, warm mitts and colourful stocking cap on ~ ‘just in case you get too cold’. If Snow Bob could have even chuckled he might have. 

His friend Connie Cloud had the sky all to herself tonight. That always made her happy. Wally Wind must have chased the Cloud Bullies across to the other side of the world. Wally had slowed down to a gentle breeze, just enough to let Connie Cloud’s cape drift behind her.  

“How are you to night, Snow Bob? Aren’t you lonely down there in your pile of snow. “Oh, no, I'm very comfortable. Looking up at the sky to watch for stars. Moon has gone away for a while, but I have you up there to visit with. When a night bird calls, it makes me feel extra specially good. Kind of like hearing the children laugh.” The two friends settled into the soft, crisp winter night. They never had talked a lot, just liked to be beside each other. 

When the children returned in the morning, Snow Bob looked like an ordinary snowman and Connie Cloud was just another cloud in the sky. The children always brought him a new carrot nose, made sure his mitts were on his wire arms and his stocking cap was on straight. In Snow Bob’s snowy heart, he smiled. Connie Cloud sailed happily away with Wally Wind. They both knew that there would be another dark sky night when they would visit again.

”The real test of friendship is: can you literally do 

nothing with the other person? Can you enjoy 

those moments of life that are utterly simple?

~ Eugene Kennedy


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