
Saturday, July 6, 2024


Glitz and glamour sparkles 

on bejewelled fingers and wrists,

flows down dresses in sequinned beauty

mere mimics of stars in the sky,

the froth of a waterfall and waves,

the glint of the sun on a still pond.

Whether manmade or of nature’s gifts, 

glitz and glamour fades and disappears 

yet returns when the moon polishes the lake, when rain glitters on leaves and flowers, when lightening flashes across the sky.

“The poetry of the earth is never dead.”

~ John Keats

Friday, July 5, 2024

To Risk an Idea

Unique, brilliant ideas seldom burst 

into the world fully formed. They risk 

being trampled by non-believers and nay-sayers those people who insist on the norm, the plain, the safe but on closer inspection, such ideas come from the norm, the plain and the safe ~ just with layered embellishments. Cell phones that once were pencil, paper and party lines; to calculators and individual phones; then to separate computers and telephones; each one embellishments of the past. Speaking of the past there were cave drawings and runners, smoke signalling, carriage mail…..each grew from unique, brilliant ideas of the time, the courage and daring of the human spirit.

“Daring ideas are like chessmen moved forward. 

They may be beaten, but they may start a winning game.”

~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Thursday, July 4, 2024


Ordinary moments surround me, 

dribbling down my back from the heat of summer, lifting my hair in time to the rustling leaves on the trees, bruising the blue sky with clouds, while thunder rumbles a meaningless threat; then I know there are few ordinary moments ~ when I stop, look, listen and feel the present as if 

it were specially made for me.

“There are no ordinary moments.”

~ Dan Millman

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Thinking Time

Hesitation begs me to think, but it’s a space filled with snow. 

Not the snow of winter, but the snow of an old TV screen with the rabbit ears that have gone to where ever rabbit ears go. 

In this time of World Wide Web and online this and that, if I hesitate all will be lost if I don’t hit 

‘send’ or ‘agree’ or some destructive directive to trap me in a world wide web of scammers. 

So hesitation prevents me from that 

reflexive one finger trip into a rabbit hole. 

Is that where all the rabbit ears have gone?

“Delay is as dangerous as the wrong answer.”

~ Frank Hebert,  Dune

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Mischievous Thoughts

Thoughts come in bright colours or drab, with nowhere to go until they are pulled away into some stunning picture or great work of fiction without their consent or even being asked. They may just float away before they are recognized, laughing behind their little wordy faces. They are really only going away to hide inside the grey folds of our brains until it’s four o’clock in the morning. Then they surface in our dreams and make no sense at all. Or they may suddenly pop out into a conversation when that thought appears to have nothing to do with the 

flow of such a serious mind swap. 

But thoughts belong to us, or so we think. 

We may laugh, we may be annoyed, but the 

conversation continues with out any thought. 

In fact, it may have been the light bulb 

moment that was missing. So paying attention 

to our thoughts could be something important that we forgot.

“Where does a thought go when it’s forgotten?”

~ Sigmund Freud

Monday, July 1, 2024

What are They? ~ THOUGHTS ~ Theme for July 2024

Thoughts come in…..

Hesitation begs…..
rdinary moments…..

Unique, brilliant ideas…..

Glitz and glamour…..

Humdrum, mundane…..

Topical issues of……

Studied, circular…..

“People don’t want to listen to their thoughts, 

so they fill the world with noise.”

~ Erin Entrada Kelly, Hello, Universe

Sunday, June 30, 2024

On an Afternoon Walk ~ Pretty Faces

Of the many fascinations I see along the streets, these pretty faces peeked out at me surrounded by brilliant green, orange and purple plantings ~ like the pretty faces of babies and children in families and communities large and small. Their progress through life depends on the foundation they are given.

“The innocence of a child is like a delicate flower, 

easily crushed by the harsh realities of life.”

~  Ian McEwan, The Innocent