
Saturday, May 18, 2024


In the quiet of the evening

sun rays slant across the floor

shadowing doors and chairs

backlighting dust motes that drift from sun to shadow always floating just out of reach, too light for me to catch before they land on the picture frame for a dandelion chain or sunflower suggesting that dust bunnies collected under beds and sofas have been borne of these fluffs of innocent stealth that seem to disappear as the sun sets.

“We are but dust and shadow.”

~ Horace, The Odes of Horace

Friday, May 17, 2024

Tucked In

Mushrooms tucked in the base of a tree

 ~ life bubbling up to absorb

winter’s dead leaves and twigs.

“Nature alone is antique, and the oldest art a mushroom.
~ Thomas Carlyle

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Book Review: Learned by Heart by Emma Donoghue

This rather unsettling story is of rascism, class, a woman’s ‘place’, rigid rules of conduct and gender. It is of Anne Lister and Eliza Raine, two young girls in a boarding school in England between 1806 and 1815. Donoghue writes it in letters from Eliza to Anne with four chapters telling the story of school life. In the late 1700’s, Eliza and her sister Jane, were borne of mixed parentage in India, and sent ‘home’ to England when their father died. Little is known about their mother. They were put in the care their father’s colleague, a Dr. Duffin. 

Eliza enters Miss Hargrave’s Manor School, a girl’s school, before Anne Lister. When Anne Lister comes to the school, full of mischief, energy and knowledge, Eliza’s life changes dramatically. By apparent accident, the two girls share a room they called ‘the Slope’. It was just big enough for two cots and had a sloped roof. Anne immediately fell in love with Eliza but their intimate relationship developed slowly. Eliza had been raised with little knowledge of relationships, let alone with someone of the same sex. There were whispers about other older single women, but for the girls the Manor School it was unimaginable.

Emma Donoghue is graphic about the Eliza and Anne’s private relationship, but also stories the lengths they had to go to keep it a secret when with their classmates. Anne, raised with two brothers, was rough and tumble and disliked following such rules. Eliza was the one who seemed to keep a check on Anne. If they were out on the grounds on their own, it was a much more difficult task. Eliza had fun those times, but always afraid of being caught doing inappropriate things, like climbing old ruins that Anne seemed to know the history of. In their last escapade, Anne broke her leg. Because she could not be cared for at the Manor, she was sent home.
The girls continued writing to each other, however Eliza, her heart broken, realized that Anne had many more relationships and theirs was not to be.

Of interest is the Author’s Note following the end the novel.  Eliza Raine, Anne Lister and many of the characters in Learned by Heart are historical figures. Donoghue details the research she has done these characters. She has imagined the possible story between the two girls in Victorian, England and they challenges they faced at such a difficult age and time.

“the only lesson I learned, or at least the only lesson I remember, was you.”

~ Emma Donoghue, Learned by Heart

Title: Learned by Heart

Author: Emma Donoghue

Copyright: 2023

Publisher: Harper Avenue, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers Ltd.

Type: Fiction

Format: Hard cover

ISBN - 9781443470315  (hard cover)

ISBN - 20230460410 (Canadiana - ebook)

ISBN - 9781443470322 (ebook)

LCCN - PS8557.O559 L43 2023

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Buds and Blossoms

Buds and blossoms of spring 

warm my heart with 

their dainty pink promise

“Spring is magic ~ sweet to the senses & easy to celebrate.”

~ Susan Branch, Vineyard Seasons: More from the Heart of the Home

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

The Day I Cherish

I’ve been home today. Cooking, preparing meals, setting oatmeal bread to bake tomorrow, finishing what was left from yesterday, moving about my home wondering if I was doing unnecessary busy work. That thought lasted only seconds. More than puttering, I was enjoying my life. Feeling calm and centred. Not hurried. I could have read a book, or taken a nap. Neither of those entered my mind. I walked to the grocery store, a cool spring wind at my back, to bring home tea and chicken for supper; to the pet store for some supplies and then home.To be in these four walls, just feels good. My body does have the twinges of over 75 years of life, little reminders that I am not as young as I used to be; my heart with its scars from great joy or great sadness, beats quietly in my chest. Hurts and fears put at rest for today. Because today is the day I cherish. 

“You must learn to be still in the midst of activity 

and to be vibrantly alive in repose.”

~ Indira Gandhi

Monday, May 13, 2024

Letting Go


Rising on the smoke of sage

  belief wafts skyward

letting go of earthly control.

“Nothing belongs to you of what there is, 

of what you take, you must share.”

~ Chief Dan George

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Happy Mother’s Day!!

Mothering continues 

as long as child and mom 

share this earth. 

Nor should it be any different. 

For if taken from me, 

a vast hole in my heart 

would not easily mend. 

Should any mom go missing, 

another often fills the gap 

with the same love and learning. 

Their name may not be ‘mom’ 

but their heart is called ‘mom.

And with all the growing 

from birth into toddlers years, 



young adulthood and onward 

child~parent blossoms through 

joys and sorrows; 

    health or sickness. 

For each mom who grows 

alongside her child, 

another mom will be born

in another day or time 

to learn the ways of being.

“Motherhood is hard enough without judgement 

from others who don’t know the whole story.”

~ Sarah Addison Allen,  First Frost