
Friday, March 2, 2012

There were stairs to climb.....

Water colour by Jason Ward

Nursing school  

This is the order they arrived in, all crammed in the span of four years.
But... no pressure! Just deal with it.

Diagnosis made.
Prescriptions: two medications.

No time in this life for the seizures that would follow 

From infancy onward, my children witnessed my violent seizures.
My very young son brought me my medications.
My husband worried.
My whole family worried.
Close friends were pulled into the fray.
Stubbornly, I shouted to those that cared for me ~ "I'm NOT going to have a seizure!"

Fear of the seizures is not in my memory,
Only embarrassment when waking up 
on the floor,
or on the couch 
with family or friends over me
asking if I was all right

Epilepsy in the form that I have ~ tonic/clonic seizures (what used to be called grand mal) are terrifying because they involve 
violent convulsing tremors, and 
loud stertorous breathing, 
skin colour dark and dusky as powerful neck muscles cut my airway off.

“It was during the night when she had a seizure 
facedown on the pillow,....she passed on that way. 
That’s a very, very small percentage. It’s more important
 to let people know that epilepsy is not fatal.” 
~ John O’Hurley


Kate Hersberger Moving forward Looking for the Joy! said...

I can't tell you how proud I am of you sister. You live your life with dignity and grace. You are educated, an eloquent writer, and a loving person. You understand disease, and work to help others everyday. xo

Susan Ward said...

Thank you Kate. I am as proud of you..xo