
Sunday, February 26, 2012

I raced this evening... catch the sun being devoured by clouds billowing white and gray
back lit by gold-leaf light 
throwing peach rose tints on distant clouds quickly shifting, changing before my eyes.
Fierce wind whipped my hair, my coat thin and useless against cold blasts.
Up on the bluff, surf and wind played in violent harmony.
A lone white and gray gull held steadily aloft in a wind tunnel playground, suspended in a powerful stretching updraft
wings spread, catching the strongest and best drift of cold moist sea air.
And over the roiling sea, curved brackets of silk
barely weighted down by tiny bodies - man or woman - too small to tell.
When the winds are wild, the playground is open
for those that dare!

"Kites rise highest against the wind - not with it."
~ Winston Churchill

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