
Friday, May 25, 2012

The Magic of Imagination

My best, or maybe,
my most prolific ideas
are when I am busy.
images and words arising 
from tactile busy actions.

My hands involved in
doing dishes
pulling weeds
planting vegetables
painting a picture
walking along a lane or byway
or interlaced and behind my head as I watch 

Fragments of
that I file quickly away
in a less than orderly
filing drawer in my mind.

Right now I think of
re-imagining that filing cabinet.
It is made of beautiful holographic oak wood.
with a magic drawer that
from the front appears small and space saving

However, reminiscent of God’s filing cabinets, 
that one drawer can pull out infinitely.
This bit of imagination, in the movie Bruce Almighty,
was when God was played by Morgan Freeman!

And in that drawer in my creative mind?
File folders every colour of the rainbow.
Tabbed with golden labels that define
swooping out for presentation whenever I ask.

Unlike my literal file drawers,
this magic file drawer
orders itself should I put something amiss.

Is there an app on the face of the drawer
that will send me to the right place to find
my brilliant idea?

In my imagination
I can make one

In my imagination
I can create anything.

In the real world, it is much more labour intensive,
but I can still create anything.

Creating small gems or small swatches then
stringing or sewing them together, to make 
full of beauty and eclectic designs - all from imagination.

“Think left and think right
and think low and think high.
Oh, the thinks you can think up
if only you try!”
~ Dr. Seuss

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