
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Who Stops the Cycle?

Who stops the cycle of violence?
Once the cycle has begun for one human being 
we can’t prevent them
from being caught in the trap of being violated?

And when is the cycle recognized?
When the violated and abused are grown
do they inherit
the behaviour of violence with
the stigma of being violent?

All while living with
the painful granite mountain
of the original violation?
Will it ever be recognized?
And if it is recognized
spoken about, who begins 
the climb
clears paths
shows the way
of descent down the mountain?

Who is responsible for
presenting possibilities?
If a key piece of the puzzle is suspected
what part of our system speaks up to say
this human being is worthy of our time?

Is there a place to see when the cycle starts?
Do we wait until it is almost fatal to 
see and do
support and empower?

What is the cycle?
Who is caught?
What does it look like?

My frustration: I can only do a small piece
and then turn the rest over to others...............

“I feel as if I were a piece in a game of chess, when my 
opponent says of it:  ‘That piece cannot be moved.’”
~ Søren Kierkegaard

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