
Monday, November 26, 2012

A Grateful Heart

I visit with you a lot about
steps and paths
roads and highways

what I don’t always visit about are all of the travelers I meet along the way that
journey with me for a bit, offering
smiles and hugs
helping hands
fun and laughter
kind words and wisdom
companionship and shared repasts.

so very much color and shelter from 
family and friends, colleagues and strangers.
While you are all still on your own journeys
you have blessed me with your presence ~ from the
very young with your precious soft hugs
youngsters and teens with the wisdom of youth
young adults sharing fresh new ways of the world
maturing adults settling into a busy world of work and family, and
those, 'maturing' even more, that parallel my own generation
and many elder than I.

For the precious gifts of your presence and your actions
I thank you all and wish all of you 
the very best in your continuing journeys
and hope to walk beside you again in this next leg of my journey.

“Courtesies of a small and trivial character are the ones 
which strike deepest in the grateful and appreciating heart.”
~ Henry Clay

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