
Friday, March 8, 2013

Because You are Strong......

This phrase puzzled me.
When does strength start?
Where does strength come from?

When my own strength has been wrenched from me, weakened by those ‘slings and arrows’ that Will Shakespeare speaks of, I have questioned whether I had any strength at all,
whether I would ever have any strength again.

Epilepsy has been one of those ‘slings’; and seizures, the ‘arrows’.
When my strength, weakened and frayed, crumples and falls,
when an arrow cuts through and pins me to the ground, someone has been there to help me step into my life once more.
Friends, loved ones, family and colleagues,
whomever was present when my consciousness left me,
when my consciousness returned ~
your life interrupted by my life.
I thank each of you always.

The strength you so freely shared with me,
has gathered within me,
to be shared with others each day.
In the sharing of strength, we each grow stronger.

When does strength start?
Within the sound of a newborn’s cry and the first gentle touch of caring.

Where does the spark of strength in each of us come from?
Only spirit knows the answer.

“Was it you or I who stumbled first? It does not matter. The one of us
who finds the strength to get up first, must help the other.”
~ Vera Nazarian, The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration

Author's note: Edited December 03, 2023

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