
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Once I Knew Nothing

From somewhere deep within me, a rogue current had pushed me off a ledge I did not know was there.
I fell, twisting and turning, into a dark chasm.
When I awoke the sun shone in my face and I knew not what had happened.

The Doctor said ‘you have epilepsy’
What more was said, I did not know.

The ledge remained
a chasm not always avoided
learning to walk around it
a learning curve not in any curriculum.

Pills - an easy piece of the puzzle
Lessons for living with epilepsy gathered slowly and steadily
while moving forward against layers of historical baggage
trying to force secrecy upon me and those like me.

The chasm of active epilepsy has not opened for a long time.
Talking about the chasm has taken the mystery and fear away,
so that now I know many things.

“Secrecy involves a tension which, at the 
moment of revelation, finds it’s release.”
~ George Simmel

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