
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Why Me?

Why am I different? 
in papers and texts,
with grants and funding,
define epilepsy clinically, 
describing all the ins and outs of
familial inheritance
neurological structure
misfiring in the synapses
brain injuries from
chicken pox and fever I had as a baby
severe headache when I was five
car accident I had when I was fifteen

But that doesn’t answer my question ~
Why am I different?
It is only an explanation for  
the roll of the dice,
or luck of the draw
in minute and excruciating details of
opinion and speculative possibilities.

The only answer I have arrived at
with any acceptance is ~ 

“Big questions bruised my mind but still I let
Small answers be a bullwark to my fear.”
~Edith Stillwell, from the poem Answers

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