
Monday, August 12, 2013

Abundance and Sunshine

There is no way to understand a fickle appetite!  Most of the afternoon I had delicious thoughts about food - mostly of the protein variety. Not yogurt or legumes or milk - not even eggs!

Steak.  Medium rare with mushrooms drizzled on and around.  Potato - baked or mashed with garlic - not necessary but would not be turned down.

Then I walked in the sunshine to the post office and then to the deli beside it. Cook Street Village is so very convenient. In the deli, I examined closely their offerings, tempted by many but succumbed by none.  One other errand to do - my weekly movies from Pic a Flic, so wandered down the sidewalk, a bit of window shopping on my way.  Movie and buttered popcorn later on - an important tradition for me.

Wafting on an ever so faint, sun drenched evening breeze a very luring aroma causing my steak fantasy to fade to black. (My food appetites are so very fickle: aroma always trumps fantasy creating a new fantasy complete with watering taste buds.) 

A burger - not just any burger, but a Big Wheel burger. A quick trip across the street, I entered this den of iniquity and decadence. With little hesitation my order was placed:  a cheese burger with bacon. Not cutting myself any slack, I sat in front of the kitchen listening to sizzling and frying, cooks calling out names and order numbers, breathing deeply the fatty aroma of burgers and fries.

We are truly blessed in this land where a sudden transition of taste can be satisfied with a stroll down the street and a few dollars in our pockets.

“From  abundance springs satiety.”
~ Livy

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