
Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Elements of Caution

When transition moves steadily onward with energy of direction, intention and purpose ~

Transition is like the wind
blowing through trees and grass
moving the seemingly immovable
rearranging leaves and petals as they fall
sweeping dust and dirt into dark corners

Transition is like the sun in springtime
encouraging growth and new life
bringing light to shadow and darkness
warming the soil readied for planting
throwing dapples of light through greening trees.

Transition is like rain building in the sky
slanting down on streets, houses and fields
washing away years of built up grime
soaking into all that it lands on
running in rivulets throughout many lives

But when transition is forced and hurried ~

transitions’s wind becomes wild and destructive
tearing down all in it’s path
swirling dangerous tornadoes.

transition’s sunlight is harsh and glaring,
drying up land, killing growth with it’s heat
parching skin and eyes.

transition’s rain becomes a great storm
changing landscapes, drowning lives
pulling spirit into a great eddying vortex.

“More firm and sure the hand of courage strikes,
when it obeys the watchful eye of caution.”
~ James Thomson

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