
Monday, March 10, 2014

Repost from March 31, 2012 - "The Elephant in the Room"

In the beginning

Elephant was silent....waiting

Rogue elephant ~ a convulsion
grandmal or tonic/clonic seizure
petit mal or absence seizure.

Pretty big hints that Elephant needed 
talking about
accepted as part of me.

As years have passed
Elephant and I have come to an understanding.

Elephant is to be treated with genuine
kindness and respect

Elephant will remain a silent partner in my life,
as long as I feed, water and nurture myself.
Aging or illness may cause our relationship to change.
I am not silent with 
about Elephant
for it is they - all of you - 
that will have to deal with the rogue Elephant

Elephant is my responsibility
and I do understand.
“We decided that it was not good asking ‘what is the 
meaning of life’, because life isn't an answer, life 
is the question, and you, yourself are the answer.”
 Ursula K. LeGuin

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