
Saturday, March 15, 2014

Caution - Normalcy Encouraged

Stay out of the bath!
You’ll drown instead of getting clean!
(And you might without caution)

Don’t ride that bike!
You’ll have a seizure and fall into traffic!
(And it can happen without caution)

Stop trying to be normal!
Definitely dangerous for you!
(And it can be without caution)

Not today ~ all cautions in place
Blue water glints and glimmers
Shouts and splashes bounce and echo
Swim and play in watery company
Seizure control ~ stable

Confidence about control and management,
learning about epilepsy
not just any old epilepsy but
individual epilepsy

Cautions and encourages
water sports and hiking
cycling and anything else possible

Safety keys unlock doors
that stigma keeps tightly locked
against normal participation in life.

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