
Tuesday, May 14, 2024

The Day I Cherish

I’ve been home today. Cooking, preparing meals, setting oatmeal bread to bake tomorrow, finishing what was left from yesterday, moving about my home wondering if I was doing unnecessary busy work. That thought lasted only seconds. More than puttering, I was enjoying my life. Feeling calm and centred. Not hurried. I could have read a book, or taken a nap. Neither of those entered my mind. I walked to the grocery store, a cool spring wind at my back, to bring home tea and chicken for supper; to the pet store for some supplies and then home.To be in these four walls, just feels good. My body does have the twinges of over 75 years of life, little reminders that I am not as young as I used to be; my heart with its scars from great joy or great sadness, beats quietly in my chest. Hurts and fears put at rest for today. Because today is the day I cherish. 

“You must learn to be still in the midst of activity 

and to be vibrantly alive in repose.”

~ Indira Gandhi

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