
Tuesday, June 18, 2024

It is Never

It is never the tree trunk 

but the cedar boughs surrounding it 

and the wanton branch sneaking up 

its great furrowed bark. Maybe it is

a shoot that arose from the grand old tree’s roots or maybe a root from another tree crawled 

across the street beneath asphalt

where ordinary cars, utility vans 

with a business scrolled on the side 

or a lumbering bus, full of a multitude of passengers, 

nonchalantly traveling hither and yon. Regardless, together the grand old trunk,

the cedar boughs and the wayward shoot

suggest the progress we all make in our lives

crawling beneath asphalt and under the

rumble and noise of today’s progress

I think I’d like to grow as steadily as 

the grand old elm, the spreading cedar or 

maybe the determined shoot of some other tree.

“Progress takes time and discipline.”

~ Ronnie Coleman


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