
Sunday, July 1, 2012

Canada Day Muse

All politics aside,
I really like Canada - or do I?
I have only done two things of any great import today
Many would say I have not really celebrated Canada Day.
No, I did not go to 
a parade
a gathering or 
any special celebratory event.
No flag waving.
I worked at Detox today
I gardened this afternoon, pulled weeds. rearranged daffodil bulbs.

And I did them both because I 
enjoy them both and 
did them both with personal integrity.
(Well, the work I also get paid for).

Those that I cared for today, Canadians all, 
and yet a marginalized group in many ways, 
have the same rights as any other Canadian.

The land from any sea to any other sea is pretty much the same around the world.
It grows things or it doesn’t.
It is flat,
mountainous or with
rolling hills connecting mountains and hills.

Often I have at least one complaint of just about any system in Canada and 
the right to complain is mine if I choose.
I have also found that just complaining about something is rather unproductive.

And then, we all also have the right, and many times the responsibility, to work for change within our own circles of 
community and 

It’s how the place is operated and by whom that makes a difference.
The myriad of political party members working in Canadian parliaments since July 1, 1867, of any political stripe, have built 
the infrastructure of this country that we Canadian citizens live with ~ and with lots of tinkering for many reasons.

I suppose putting politics aside is not necessarily wise.
And yes, I do like Canada.

“I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in 
my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what 
I believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country.
  This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind.”
~ John Diefenbaker

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