
Monday, April 7, 2014

Challenge to Serenity

Good evening all,
To say that I woke with intention this morning would be a lie. I did wake up and proceeded with my morning rituals. Coffee was top of the list (almost). Reading my detective mystery by the fire with slippers and housecoat the next. As I slowly came into the morning, my intention for the day was only serenity, calm and two specific activities. My Monday morning walking group and in the afternoon, my Aquafit class. After a long four work days, with details stuffed and filed appropriately, I have been left with dregs of exhaustion that beg a lovely long set of days off.

Well, that kind of went a little bit sideways. I did go walking with the group this morning, but after coffee, wimped out for the walk back to my car. A ride from the coffee shop back to my car was much more in keeping with my flagging energy. Then, Aquafit. Always a lovely time to look forward too. Good workout in cool water in pleasant company. Well, not today. The workout was still good - if not interrupted. The water was cool. The company was pleasant - for the most part. The details have been discussed ad nauseum. Suffice it to say: children with a very assertive parent, spring break for said children, pool invaded, words heatedly exchanged.........

Part of my intention for today was to have as much calm and quiet as possible. When intention and needed actions conflict with situations beyond one’s control there is only one quotation I can use for this post:

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.
The courage to change the things that I can.
And the wisdom to know the difference.”
~ Reinhold Niebuhr 
(adapted from the original)

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