
Thursday, April 10, 2014

Intention Holds It All Together

Long ago, there was a dream. How long ago was it?  I’m really not certain. Leaping ahead in that moment of long ago, an attempt was made to make the dream materialize. And then there was lack. Lack of belief, of knowledge, of ‘stick to-it-iveness’. Together they derailed the dream where it lay fallow and became overgrown with the stuff of life. Intention had yet to be found.

Unearthed after at least thirty years, the dream that had lain fallow morphed crookedly into an uncertain goal. Leaping ahead in that moment, words were penned on paper, on computer and flew about in the writer’s head. And still there was lack, but not as much. Lack of belief was unsteadily bolstered by stubbornness. Lack of knowledge was bolstered by experience and believing in direction, ‘stick-to-it-iveness’ still not very sticky. Intention, found, had not yet been examined and grew moldy and overgrown with the stuff of life.

Still turning over the soil and planting words on pages and electronic gadgets, the dream had been turned into a goal. Leaping ahead once more into that moment, the goal was accompanied by a loose plan to just move forward one step at a time, one word at a time, one page at a time. Experience a bit more experienced, knowledge a bit more knowledgeable, belief more believable and ‘stick-to-it-iveness’ gaining in stickyness. Intention was taken out, examined and set up on a shelf in open view.

Twenty years later  ~  phew!!  This has been a much longer process than I thought! And so very much more fascinating! But to continue, still keeping at it. Not as a task that must be done, but part of daily life, supported and encouraged by friends, family and professionals. A very enjoyable, freeing and, somedays, saving part of life. Although lack still hovers in the background, experience, belief in the dream, the goal, the planning are held together by intention. Each time they fall apart, the joints loosen or even hint at threat to fall apart, intention becomes the glue or screw to hold them together again. (Lack of belief in oneself or in the process will tear anything apart.)

Has the goal been reached yet? Not the original one, but it is in better focus. The daily practice of private journaling about the mundane or philosophical, or just plain whining, working on the original goal and of blogging about this or that, in muse or in poetry, book review or opinion, and maybe an essay or rant from time to time. The shared reading of my daily blog wanderings is an added bonus that warms my heart. 

“Choose your intention carefully and then
practice holding your consciousness to it,
so it becomes the guiding light in your life.”
~ John Roger

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