
Friday, April 11, 2014

Intentional Action

This next bit of study on intention is about the action that grows and realizes a dream, that grows and manifests a goal, that expresses the energy of intention. Action means participation, hands on development of a project, building pieces of a dream. Kind of like building a tractor or combine from a Meccano set, if some are old enough to remember Meccano sets. (Meccano sets are still on the market!) Or for the younger crowd, Lego.

While intention comes from a secret place in the heart and from thinking about ‘what if’, and ‘I want to’, action comes from the executive, the mind’s chairman of the board who directs motor movements, delegating tasks or ordering coffee - or tea, or putting pen to paper, fingers to keyboard.

One would think that because many are doers of deeds that action wouldn’t be a problem. However,the action that needs to accompany an intention lit dream is self directed. In fact, each of us are the chairman of the board, prepared to hire and fire at will - and go for lunch whenever the urge arises. Self directed with no critical issue or need attached to it, only a dream and a ‘want to’. No policy or procedure, law, regulations or guidelines. No paycheque attached to the quality or quantity of work. Only personal judgment and an individual heartfelt need to create, to write, to paint, to express what is nesting in heart and soul.

So, it’s onward and upward. Setting intention, outlining actions for each day and moving forward. Structure and function is individual and tailored to home and hearth. As long as the dream, the goal and the plan, shaped by intention and driven home by action, are present, personal success just may be acheived. What that personal success looks like is also individual.

These are ordinary words and big ideas that can be realized in small steps or large.

“When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, 
don’t adjust the goals, adjust the action steps.”
~ Confucius

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