
Monday, July 8, 2024

A Subjective Change

Topical issues are only a flowery surface 

in beeps and bytes ~ to get to the roots 

below the rhetorical chatter we have to get our hands dirty, get out the spade and the hoe, or stay home and enjoy the flowers. I’ve seldom been a very successful gardener, and never a politician but I do have opinions that are just that ~ opinions for a round of kitchen table discussion that drains the coffee pot and chews the fat of an evening unless someone changes the subject to something shallow like the fanciful Oscars fashions, the latest Iron Man movie or a Margaret Atwood novel favoured by a salesperson. That’s when the discussion gets seriously hilarious, 

clearing the kitchen table of any crumbs of topical issues.

“‘You is trying to change the subject,’ the Giant said sternly. ‘We is 

having an interesting babblement about the taste of the human bean.”

~ Roald Dahl, The BFG

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