
Thursday, July 11, 2024

Weather Watch

Out of a sudden wind to recover
The sun 
has yet to reach its 

zenith, shaded by a tree, my 

coffee’s barely lukewarm and 

will not grow cold today. 

Already flies are directionless, 

lazy. Barely a breeze ruffles the 

leaves without a refreshing caress. 

My potato plant wilts in the 

morning heat, full sun still to drain

water from its leaves. Muffled thunder 

merely suggests respite from rain; 

a passing puff of white scatters 

a dozen raindrops here and there

In the chill

of a coffee shop, chatter avoids 

talk of the weather, the heat, when 

it will change, when walking quickly

is safe, but grandchildren, movies, history 

food, anything but the heat that stifles 

conversations and one step at a time.

“Weather forecast for tonight: dark.”

~ George Carlin

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