
Monday, July 15, 2024

Built for the Bees

Bees need shelter in their busy flight from flower to flower

to deposit their pollen 

to make nectar and feed 

their queen bee. The challenges they face are many: pesticides, parasites and humanity’s threat. We plant milkweed and bee balm to offer them help, but shelter ~ Where is it? On my stroll through a garden, a cute little house stood barely tall, tiny holes in its face and midst the grasses and flowers. The 

Native Prairie Garden gardeners had added a bee nest 

with the bee balm, lavender, milkweed and such. 

“Wherever there are bees, there are flowers, and wherever 

there are flowers there is new life and hope.”

~ Christy Lefteri, author

Native Prairie Garden the entrance to the Royal Saskatchewan Museum across from Wascana Park. (

For more information about bee homes, go to: garden

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