
Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Hidden in Nature

I couldn’t tell whether the berries

were too young to form thick cluster, 

but they were perfectly positioned 

under a multitude of leafy umbrellas; 

hidden from any birds that may be 

looking for an early dinner.

In this green shadowed shelter these berries should be safe to grow and then turn shades of purple and are probably more tasty, or do birds recognize taste the way humans do? Having not studied ornithology, I don’t know if their tiny tongues come equipped with taste buds.

It is nature’s way to have all living things join with one another. Connections hidden in the 

ingenious ways of unknown taste buds, ears that are 

hidden by feathers, mobility of wings or four legs 

instead of two. It is only the curiosity of children and scientists to

wonder and postulate about details lost to the work-a-day adult.

“Nature is the source of all true knowledge.”

~ Leonardo da Vinci

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