
Saturday, August 3, 2024

Step Away from the Ledge

Out on a ledge that was not really a ledge but an immense chunk of terracotta coloured granite in a National Park in Colorado, I merely wanted to look over the ledge of rock to see how far down I could see. But, in a bit of mischief, I think I also 

wanted to worry my aunt who practically pulled me away from a danger I did not believe was there. I succeeded in worrying my aunt, but never did get to see how far down I could see. I did see 

the vast country of mountains that ranged 

all around us, domed by the stunning sky.

Fortunately ~ well sometimes ~ the memory 

remains, while the photos are lost in many 

bouts of relocation. Memory is like that ~ 

a ledge that we all stand on to peer into our past, 

remembering times of vast beauty, times of 

mischief, or times when that ledge leans into 

the dark. We pull ourselves back from the 

pooling depths, or maybe a worried aunt does, 

so we can look to the beauteous world once more.

“Be as a bird perched on a frail branch that she feels bending 

beneath her, still she sings away all the same, know she has wings.”

~ Victor Hugo

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