
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Standing Tall

I learned something new tonight. I’ve seen yarrow plants here and there in prairie lands but haven’t given it much thought other than liking it’s very handsome look. Tonight I looked it up and found that it has quite a history. “Achilleea millefolium”, its botanical name, comes from ancient Greek history. It is said that *Achilles supposedly used this plant to heal soldiers’ wounds.  Reading further, I learned there are many health benefits that have been effective over the years. It is a bitter tasting plant that only some animals graze on. Cows tend to avoid it but if they do graze on it, the milk has a bitter taste. Many poems have been written about it, most notably by William Wordsworth!

When reading these many details about a plant that I didn’t know, I once again was struck by how far humanity has gone from the natural world. It saddens me, but I am glad the grasses and wildflower still grow.

“Let children walk with Nature, let them see the beautiful blending 

and communions of death and life, their joyous inseparable unity.”

~ John Muir, author

 (1838 - 1914)

*Information from and <>.

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