
Wednesday, August 14, 2024

A Scavenger Hunt

I’ve never understood ‘voice’ in writing. 'Find your voice’ the advice is. 

Never has made sense. 

Voice plus ear equals sound. 

All the squiggles of cursive penmanship or black and white letters marching 

across a page are silent. Only the scratch of a pen

or a tapping of keys, but nothing resembling voice. 

So I keep poking around in other 

author’s novels and stories trying to hear a 

voice from the pages and, in my own writing, for

a voice underneath all the scratching and tapping.

I suspect I’d be terrified if even one voice was

spoken from a book lying silently by my bed. Or 

my bookshelves quaked with the thousands of 

voices and languages within all the covers.

The most frightening part? 

I’d never buy another book or even 

go to the library! My life of travels and 

colour would become still and silent.

“Thoughts need words. Words need a voice.”

~ Sharon M. Draper, educator

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