
Saturday, August 17, 2024


Some see fences as barriers. Stop. 

No trespassing. Keep out. I see them 

a little differently. In life, we all need 

some sort of fencing within us, if only 

to keep out those who will trespass in 

our minds. Take up residence without 

permission. Some of my strongest fences 

are about the relationship I have with epilepsy. These fences are limits to how I can proceed in life. They can be ignored and allowed to fall into disrepair, but that will not keep epilepsy contained. It will be  allowed to crash right through and lay waste to all the life around me. Right now the voice of epilepsy is silent, but reminds me that my limits ~ my fences ~ need to be reinforced.

“Don’t ever take a fence down until you know why it was put up.”

~ Robert Frost

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