
Friday, August 30, 2024

Curved Things

I like curved things like the 

arms of a rocking chair that 

would mold my cupped hand 

to fit; a curve that shapes the 

moon as it passes through the 

universe, the curve of the ear 

of a coffee mug that is just big 

enough for two or three fingers 

on one hand, while the other 

cups the warmth against 

the first tea of the morning. 

If life throws me a curve, I can 

dash it against my anger and frustration

to leave me weak and vulnerable. 

When my sky seems empty, I can cup 

my hands and heart around it to feel 

the ease of the rocking chair with 

the warmth of fresh brewed tea. 

“Cultivate your curves ~ they may be dangerous but they won’t be avoided.”

~ Mae West

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