
Thursday, August 29, 2024

It's Easy Enough

It’s easy enough to read the words on any page ~ a crinkly newspaper, a regular book 

with covers, a pamphlet for baby formula, a bus schedule that takes you from here 

to there. It’s easy enough to make all the squiggles and marks on a page with black 

or blue or red ink, or tap them out 

on a keyboard, so words flow or play 

bumper cars with each other. But 

after all the words have been 

written, with care or a finesse 

that is only belief, or maybe were 

dashed off in wild thought, it is not 

easy to round them all up and make 

sense of them. I suppose they are 

rather like cats in that regard. Once 

they’ve curled up and settled themselves, 

they just want to be left alone to snooze. 

“Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion. 

I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning up to do afterward.”

~ Kurt Vonnegut

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