
Monday, March 12, 2012

To maintain balance day by day......

......minute by minute requires
loving attention to the value of everything and everyone.

When a balance is tipped,
I do not sleep well.
When I do not sleep well,
the balance tips 
towards an unwanted grand Mal seizure.

There are many ordinary stressors in this world ~
bills that keep finding their way into the mailbox,
insufficient money to pay bills ~ and support play,
inclement weather (yes, even here in Victoria!),
time crunches at work,
extracurricular fun and games with friends.......

Then there are the really big ones ~
sudden violent loss of loved ones,
not once, but twice, three and even four and five times
with all the destruction of swirling tornados sweeping throughout the families.

My commitment to remain as seizure free as possible ~
shook on it's foundations with each crashing blow.

How does one restore balance ~ and then maintain it ~
in stagnating pools of grief that threaten to consume?

Honouring the lives gone before by 
living each day as a testament to those loved ones,
caring for myself each day,
remembering the wisdom and courage that each life held
finding the gold in the heaviness of grief.

“I measure every Grief I meet
With narrow, probing Eyes -
I wonder if it weighs like mine -
Or has an easier size.” 
- Emily Dickinson

1 comment:

Kate Hersberger Moving forward Looking for the Joy! said...

This speaks to us all Sue. Grieving is in vain if we do not live on the other side. Live for our children and for ourselves. Showing them and us the way through grief. Love!