
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Just a few more steps before I really learned

Two visions,

full of terror,
flashed without warning in my mind.......

.....holding one of my sons, preparing to descend
the long flight of basement stairs on laundry day ~
grand mal seizure flinging my infant from me to the cement below bringing devastation or death to my son and my families.
and then.......
.......aiding an elderly patient to the tiny old bathroom 
at the very old Regina General Hospital,
kicking away in a grand mal seizure
crushing frail old bones against
unforgiving ceramic tiled walls,
bringing devastation or death to my patient, her family, my colleagues, my employer......
In those moments I knew that to respect and care for 
my family
my patients
my colleagues
and in general my community
choosing self care above all else
would care for others most effectively.

'Attention to detail' ~ a new friend and ally,
the choice that daily shapes my life.

    "When you have to make a choice and don't make it, 
that in itself is a choice"
~ William James


Kate Hersberger Moving forward Looking for the Joy! said...


Janet said...

And so your journey of success began! Such maturity!

Anonymous said...

Now I understand your patient and consistent way of approaching your writing. It's how you've handled your life. Impressive indeed.
