
Friday, November 3, 2023

An Idea to Dance To

Determined to develop something new, something fresh…….but what? Ted had been in his 9 to 5 office job for so long that he had grown restless. It was a restlessness full of anxiety. It had been a good job. He’d worked his way up in the company, with a good salary. Benefits were excellent; he wouldn’t have to worry about his finances. His married life was over. His beloved Grace of fifty-five years had passed away. They had had plans to travel; to visit their children scattered over the globe. Get to know their grandchildren. Now he didn’t know whether he could do that. He’d listened to the office talk about ‘The Golden Bachelor’ TV series. From the gossipy chatter, he could tell that life wasn’t for him. His wife’s passing was still too fresh. 

It had been too easy to get up, get ready for work, have breakfast, drive the 10 km to work and be at his desk by 8:45am. Do his management job until 5 and head home. Sometimes late if an issue came with one of the staff. But he liked to keep his time to the minute. He’d pick up Grace, when she was still working, and they go for supper. Now it was microwaved meals or a burger at the diner close to home. He always picked up his mail after work, kept the bills out and threw away the flyers, the coupons for meals, any junk mail. But one was different. He was tempted to throw it out with the recycling, but it was maybe the bright colours and the ink pencil sketch of a couple dancing that caught his eye. There it was: Jazz Dancing Lessons! He and Grace had loved to dance but they had never gotten brave enough to do anything but a standard waltz, maybe a little bit of jive. He propped the brochure in front of the salt and pepper shaker. Sat down with his microwaved Mac and cheese and studied it. “What do you think, Grace?” Her picture was always with him at meal times, her gentle face smiling at him. “I think you should go for it, Ted.” Startled he looked up. “Don’t look so surprised ~ you asked my opinion. Dance, my darling.” In her chair across from him, he could see her. He reached out to touch her and she was gone. 

That evening, Ted called the Dance Studio.

“Show me slowly what I only know the limits of 

Dance me to the end of love." 

~ Leonard Cohen, Leonard Cohen: Poems and Songs

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